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wood fire中文是什么意思

用"wood fire"造句"wood fire"怎么读"wood fire" in a sentence


  • 木火
  • 烧柴的火


  • A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room
  • Wood fire door - general technical conditions
  • Fire brigade training facilities - part 3 : wood fired fire brigade training facilities
  • One woman lectured her best friend on the nature of the male animal . " husbands are like wood fires ; they go out if left unattened .
    一名妇女向她最好的朋友大谈雄性动物的特性: “丈夫们就像是森林里的火,一不注意,他们就会燃烧起来。 ”
  • One woman lectured her best friend on the nature of the male animal . “ husbands are like wood fires ; they go out if left unattened
    一名妇女向她最好的朋友大谈雄性动物的特性: “丈夫们就像是森林里的火,一不注意,他们就会燃烧起来。 ”
  • He sat by a newly - lighted wood fire the blighted and unfruitful year was prematurely cold , and on his honest and courageous face there was a deeper shade than the pendent lamp could throw , or any object in the room distortedly reflect - a shade of horror
  • Base on discuss , choosing mongolian scotch pine and manchurian ash as experiment species , using three kinds of wood fire - retardant treatment methods which included soaking at some pressure , pressurized soaking under ultrasonic wave and the pressurized soaking under ultrasonic wave after treated by microwave , the result is that ultrasonic wave may apply in wood fire - retardant treatment production
  • When supper was really finished at last , and each animal felt that his skin was now as tight as was decently safe , and that by this time he didn ' t care a hang for anybody or anything , they gathered round the glowing embers of the great wood fire , and thought how jolly it was to be sitting up so late , and so independent , and so full ; and after they had chatted for a time about things in general , the badger said heartily , ‘ now then
用"wood fire"造句  


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